Saturday, April 20, 2019

D-Now results in new Christians and nitrogen ice cream

Live event coverage assignment 

Ears ring as the loud worship music pierces the room, creating an atmosphere of both fun and worship for local middle school and high school teens.
“I love watching how God puts it all together,” said founder of D-Now Mary Flannery. “A few weeks ago, we didn’t know a lot of the key pieces, and yet He brought us people to be small group leaders, He put a band together.”
Discipleship Now, or D-Now, is a three-day weekend retreat where kids come to worship, potentially encounter Christ for the first time, help the community and make new friends.
Kids sixth through twelfth grade can attend, enjoying free food, a host home where they sleep for the weekend, and special surprises like nitrogen ice cream.
“I grew a lot spiritually,” said Lilly Herr, a middle school participant. “The worship was really good, but also my small group had lots of good conversations and tons of laughs that were majorly awesome.”
Keynote speaker Asa Lowe spoke to the group about needing Jesus and the importance of sharing Jesus with the world.
“It was really amazing last night to see the Spirit already moving, I could feel it,” said Rachel Wartian, small group leader and Regent University senior.
On Saturday, the youth and volunteers headed out into the community to help those in need.
“It’s been great; this is kind of like my second home away from home,” said small group leader Trayvon Brown. “I just enjoy spending time with you guys, community, you guys have just shown me what it looks like, interacting with each other, showing love, having fun with each other, that’s exactly what we need growing up. You guys are our future.”

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